Job Posting Terms

Posting your Job

By submitting your job post to us you are requesting that the job post appears on our website(s) and you are granting us a licence and a right to sub-licence to reproduce the job post (in whatsoever form we see appropriate at our sole discretion) for any other vacancy advertising service we consider appropriate.

Any information sent to us is liable to be placed in the public domain and could potentially be accessed by anyone. We take no responsibility for any consequences arising from the release of any information that you send to us.

We attempt to review all submitted material within a reasonable timeframe. Where we request further information, we normally allow two weeks for a response - if none is forthcoming, we will then decline the vacancy with no further communications. Where an employer repeatedly fails to respond to communications, we reserve the right to withdraw the capacity to post roles on the site until the situation is resolved.

We make reasonable effort to screen vacancies according to the guidelines listed below. However, we make no guarantee to check every vacancy or that vacancies that are checked will meet the requirements of current employment legislation. All vacancies are submitted at the employer’s own risk.

Although we normally attempt to inform employers regarding any significant changes made to their adverts, we reserve the right to remove or amend any content in the published version that we believe risk violating employment law, without notice.

What we can and cannot advertise

Return & Connect chooses to accept or reject content at its sole discretion.

We welcome the following content:

  • Graduate and young professional roles in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • Internship roles in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • Vacation work in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.

We will not promote:

  • Courses
  • Pyramid selling schemes
  • Investment opportunities
  • Positions for students to share academic material or study notes
  • Any role that appears to endorse illegal activity of any kind
  • Any role that may damage the reputation of INTO or otherwise be detrimental to the interests of INTO, its staff, students and other stakeholders
  • Advertisements that contain premium rate telephone numbers
  • Unpaid work, unless for a registered charitable organisation
  • Work that incorporates an ‘unpaid trial period.’

·       Roles for private individuals or households, e.g. personal care workers/support workers, 1:1 tutoring, etc.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

All job posts must comply with the best practice on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and will be rejected if they fail to comply.

In the context of job posting, discrimination occurs when a person with one or more “protected characteristics” is somehow excluded or disadvantaged by the requirements of a role. There are two types of discrimination:

  • Direct discrimination occurs when a protected group is explicitly excluded. For example, if an advert says the post is only open to male candidates then the advert has discriminated directly against women.
  • Indirect discrimination occurs when, although a particular group is not explicitly excluded, one of the requirements of the role has a disproportionate impact on a protected group.

The protected characteristics, in alphabetical order, are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion and belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Candidate Photos

Applicants should not usually be asked to provide photographs with their applications. For most roles, a candidate’s physical appearance should be irrelevant.

Exceptions could include modelling, acting or similar roles. You may also need photographic evidence to confirm a candidate’s identity but usually this should be done at the final stages of the recruitment process i.e. at interview or on appointment.